Odds and Outs in Poker: a Guide to Calculating Your Chances

Odds and Outs in Poker

Many people study the subject of Odds and Outs in Poker, yet most poker players today are perplexed by it. Let’s explore some clear and understandable calculations in the article below, brought to you by FJILI.

In Poker: Odds and Outs

Poker is a card game that involves more than just luck. It also relies on intelligence, strategies, and the chance of each player. Consequently, many people give great attention to Odds and Outs. By following the material below, you can grasp what these two terms mean in poker.

A few fundamental concepts can help bettors understand Odds and Outs, especially those who are new to poker.


In poker, this term describes the cards that have not yet been dealt but could improve the player’s current hand.


This term refers to the likelihood that the Outs cards will enhance your deck.

Example: Understanding Outs and Odds

Let’s consider the following example to quickly grasp Outs and Odds:

Suppose you have 3 diamonds and 4 hearts, along with 5 diamonds, Q hearts, and K diamonds. At this point, you don’t have a strong straight. To achieve a straight hand, you need either a king of hearts or a six of diamonds. Therefore, you have 8 Outs since there are 4 cards worth K and 4 cards worth 6.

In this case, the Odds would be the ratio of Outs cards that appear, either 1:10 or based on the player’s Outs.

Basic Math: Calculating Odds and Outs

Understanding Odds and Outs requires basic math, which can help players improve their probability predictions and increase their chances of winning. Here are some basic methods for calculating Odds based on Outs:

Returning to the Outs example, Odds are calculated by considering the likelihood of Outs appearing. After the player needs an Outs card, there are 39 remaining cards (8 Outs + 5 cards dealt). You can calculate the Odds using this formula:

Odds: Remaining cards ÷ Outs = 39:8, approximately 5:1

This means that for every six times you encounter an open-ended straight draw on the flop, there is only one chance that the player will improve their hand as intended.

Important Observations on Odds and Outs

Playing poker requires players to understand the likelihood of winning or losing and how to improve their cards. For poker players, the following notes are crucial:

  • Depending on the position in the deck and your hand structure, an Out can be strong or weak.
  • Odds only inform players about the failure rate relative to the success rate of drawing a card, so they should anticipate the cards to show. However, odds do not guarantee your outcome—whether you win or lose.

We have presented thorough and accurate information on what Odds and Outs in poker are and how to calculate them. If these concepts are important to you, the material in this essay is essential. With this knowledge, you can gain a more practical and applicable understanding of poker.